Today, the Church remembers the day when the Apostles chose the disciple of Jesus who was to replace Judas Iscariot. In one of his homilies St. John Crisostom quite rightly says: «When we are to opt for persons who must have a certain responsibility we may have to face certain rivalries or discussions». This is why St. Peter «simply ignores the envy that it might have arisen», and leaves it up to chance and divine inspiration, thus, avoiding such possibility. And this Father of the Church goes on saying: «And it just so happens that quite often important decisions may be very upsetting».
In today's Gospel, our Lord speaks to the Apostles of the joy they should have: that «my own joy may be in you and your joy may be complete» (Jn 15:11). And, sure enough, a Christian, like Matthias, will happily live with a quiet joy if he assumes the various events of life from the grace of divine filiation; otherwise, he is bound to be carried away by false annoyances, foolish jealousies or some kind of prejudice or other. Joy and peace are always fruit of the exuberance of our apostolic commitment and of our struggle to become saints. It is the logic and supernatural outcome of love for God and of a spirit of service towards our fellowmen.
Romano Guardini wrote: «The source of joy is to be found in a person's deeper intimacy (...). It is there where God resides. Then, joy widens and makes us glitter. And all that is beautiful can be perceived by us in all its brilliance». When we feel unhappy we must know how to pray along with St. Thomas More: «Lord, give me a sense of humor and I will find happiness in life and profit for others». And, let us not forget St. Teresa of Avila also begged: «O Lord, save me from these sullen-faced saints, for a sad saint is a sorry saint».