Daily Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday, June 22, 2024

Catoli News

Today, the Gospel clearly speaks of living the "present moment": not to keep thinking about yesterday, but abandon yourself to God and His mercy. Not to torture about tomorrow, but to entrust it all to His Providence. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus said: «the spirit of self-abandonment is my sole guide – I have no other compass!».

Preoccupation has never solved any problem. What solves problems is self-assurance, faith. Jesus says «If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you – you of little faith?» (Mt 6:30).

Life per-se is not too problematic; it is man who is deficient in faith... Existence is not always easy. At times it can be stressful; we frequently feel injured and shocked by what is happening in our life or in that of others. But let us face it with faith and let us try to live, day by day, by trusting God will fulfill His promises. Faith will lead us to salvation.

«Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.» (Mt 6:34). What does that mean? Try, today, to live equitably, according to the logic of the Kingdom, with trust, simplicity, seeking God, with reckless abandon. And God will take care of the rest...

Day by day. It is very important. What so often wear us down are all these comebacks to the past and our fear of the future; whereas, mysteriously, when we just live in the present moment we find strength. What I have to live by today, I have God’s grace to live it. If tomorrow I must cope with more difficult situations, God will increase His grace. God's grace is given every moment, day by day. To live the present moment means to accept weakness: to give up redoing the past or to dominate the future, to be contented by the present.

Fr. Jacques PHILIPPE