Daily Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday, December 12, 2024

Catoli News

One of the constant attitudes in Maria's life is her service. Already from the Gospel, in the passage that the liturgy proposes to us today, Mary appears as the servant, who is always attentive to the needs of others.

Since Jesus left us as Mother, with great love and diligence, she continues to perform this act of love with her children. When María de Guadalupe appears, she comes to give new strength to a town that is in crisis after the fall of the Aztec Empire. The words that she said to Juan Diego are the sign, and at the same time a perennial promise, that help us to trust her and her powerful intercession: "Why are you afraid, am I not here that I am your Mother?"

On the one hand I would like to invite you today to grow in this loving trust to our Blessed Mother, and on the other hand, to adopt this attitude of service characteristic of Mary. María Santísima likes to be venerated and loved, but much more likes to be imitated.

P. Ernesto María Caro