Daily Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday, January 2, 2025

Catoli News

Today, in the Gospel of the Eucharist liturgy, we read the testimony of John the Baptist. The text preceding these words in St. John's Gospel is the prologue where it is clearly affirmed: «And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us» (Jn 1:14). What was announced in the prologue —as a great prelude— is now, step by step, manifested in the Gospel. The mystery of the Incarnated Verb is the mystery of salvation for mankind: «Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ» (Jn 1:17). Salvation comes through Jesus Christ, and faith is the answer to the manifestation of Christ. Whoever believes in Him is saved.

The mystery of salvation in Christ is accompanied always by the testimony. Jesus Christ himself is «The Amen, the faithful and true witness» (Rev 3:14). It is John the Baptist who bears witness with his vision and gaze as a prophet: «Among you stands one who (…) comes after me» (Jn 1:26-27). And this is how the Apostles understand their mission: «God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses» (Acts 2:32).

The whole Church, and therefore all its members, have the mission of bearing witness. The testimony we bring to the world has a name. Jesus Christ is the very Gospel. He is the “Good News”. And the proclamation of the Gospel all over the world must also be understood as the key of the testimony uniting inseparably the announcement and the life. It is good to remember the words from Pope Paul VI: «Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses rather than to teachers and if he does listen to teachers it is because they are witnesses».