Daily Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday, March 1, 2025

Catoli News

Today, I would like, dear Lord, to say a little prayer to thank you for your teaching. You taught with authority whenever they let you, and you were taking advantage of all occasions; I understand Lord that, as a matter of fact, your basic mission was to transmit the Word of the Father. And you did it. 

—Today, while “connected” to Internet, I tell you: Speak to me for, as a faithful disciple, I want to pray a little. First, I would like to beseech capacity to learn what you are teaching and, secondly, I wish I would know how to teach it myself. I know it is easy to err making you say what you have never said and, with malevolent boldness, I wish you would say what I like. I admit that I am, perhaps, more hard-hearted than those listeners. 

I know your Gospel, the Teachings of the Church, the Catechism, and I remember pope John Paul II's words in his Letter to Families: «The programme of utilitarianism, based on an individualistic understanding of freedom —a freedom without responsibilities— is the opposite of love, even as an expression of human civilization considered as a whole». Lord, break my heart, which longs for a utilitarianism happiness and let me in your Divine Truth I so much need.

—From this vantage point, like on top of the mountain, I can see that You speak of marital love as the love that lasts forever, and that adultery —being a sin, as any other grave offense to You, who are the Lord of Life and Love— is the wrong way to happiness: «Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against his wife» (Mk 10:11). 

—I remember a young man who said: «Father, sin promises a lot, gives nothing and takes everything». Good Jesus, let me understand you, and let me learn how to explain it: «let no one separate what You have joined» (cf. Mk 10:9). Out of here, out of your ways, I shall not be able to find the true happiness. Jesus, teach me again!

—Thanks, Jesus, I'm hard-hearted, but I know you are right.