Today, we are invited to recognize the Father who reveals himself in Jesus Christ. Philip articulates a very fair intuition: «Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us» (Jn 14:8). To see the Father is to discover God as the origin, as the life that flows, as generosity, as a gift that constantly renews everything. What else do we need? We are coming from God, and each man, even if unconsciously, carries the profound desire of going back to God, of recuperating the fatherly home and remain there forever. There we can find all the possessions we may strive for: life, light, love, peace… St. Ignatius of Antioch, a martyr at the beginning of the second century, expressed it eloquently: «There is in me living water that murmurs within me: 'Come to the Father'!».
Jesus makes us glimpse the existing deep reciprocal intimacy between Him and the Father. «I am in the Father and the Father is in me» (Jn 14:11). What Jesus says and does emanates from the Father, and the Father fully expresses Himself in Jesus. Whatever the Father wants to tell us is to be found in the Son's words and deeds. All He wants to fulfill for us He fulfills through His Son. To believe in the Son allows us to have «access to the Father» (Eph 2:18).
—The humble and faithful faith in Jesus, our choice to follow and obey Him, day after day, connects us mysteriously but truly with the very mystery of God, while making us recipients of all the riches of His kindness and mercy. This faith lets the Father execute, through us, the work of grace He began in His Son: «Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do» (Jn 14:12).