Daily Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday, October 19, 2024

Catoli News

Today, the Lord arouses our faith and hope in Him. Jesus forestalls that we will have to appear before the Heavenly Host to be examined. And whoever has spoken out in favor of Jesus by adhering to His mission «the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God» (Lk 12:8). Such public confession is made out in words, in deeds and throughout our life.

This interpellation of the confession is even more necessary and urgent in our times, when there still are people who do not want to hear the voice of God nor follow His way . However, the confession of our faith will be strongly followed. Therefore, let us not be confessors for fear of punishment - that will be harsher for apostates--nor for the copious reward reserved to the faithful. Our testimony is necessary and urgent for life in this world, and God himself demands it from us, as St. John Chrysostom said: «God is not satisfied with our inward faith; He asks for an outward and public confession, to boost us to a greater confidence and love».

Our confession is sustained by the power and assurance of its Spirit who is active inside us and protects us. The acknowledgement of Jesus Christ before His angels is vital since this fact will allow us to see Him face to face, live with Him and be flooded by His light. At the same time, the opposite will be nothing else but suffering and losing our life, to be deprived of His light and dispossessed of all our possessions. Let us, therefore, plead for the grace of avoiding any denial be it out of fear of torture or ignorance; out of heresies, of sterile faith or of lack of responsibility; or just because we would like to avoid martyrdom. Let us be strong; the Holy Spirit is with us! And "With the Holy Spirit, Mary is always present (...) and she has made possible the missionary outburst which took place at Pentecost» (Pope Francis).